Trip with pigeon club United Friends Scherpenheuvel?

Trips for Pigeon Fanciers: A Call for Proposals

Through our website and Facebook group, we would like to gauge the interest of our pigeon fanciers in making one or more trips. We are open to all opinions and have some proposals to have a fun day together in the spirit of pigeon racing. Non-members are also welcome to participate if they wish!

Here are some of our proposals:

  1. KBDB National days in Mechelen:
    An opportunity to attend the national days of the Royal Belgian Pigeon Fanciers Association.

  2. Fugare fair in Kortrijk:
    A visit to the international pigeon racing fair Fugare.

  3. Spring fair Houten Netherlands:
    A trip to the largest pigeon racing fair in the Netherlands.

  4. Pigeon market Kassel Germany:
    A trip to the international pigeon market in Kassel, Germany.

  5. Olympiad Netherlands:
    A visit to the prestigious Olympiad for pigeon fanciers in the Netherlands.

Do you have other proposals? We would love to hear them! All proposals are welcome via If there are many interested people, we can also inquire about the possibility of going by bus.

We look forward to your responses and hope to organize some unforgettable trips together!
So feel free to let us know your opinion and where you would like to go!

Naam schrijver: Buelens, Geert