Pigeon Racing: Breeding Season is Approaching!

It is almost that time again: the breeding season for the pigeon lovers. An exciting and important time, because this is where the future champions are born. But how do you prepare for the breeding? How do you pair the cocks and hens in the best way? And how do you ensure healthy and strong young pigeons? In this blog I will give you some tips and advice to make your breeding a success.

Preparation of the breeding

A good preparation is half the work. That also applies to the breeding of pigeons. Before you start pairing, you have to make sure that your pigeons are in optimal condition. That means that they are healthy, fit and free of parasites. A regular check by a veterinarian is therefore advisable. A good diet is also essential for the fertility and vitality of your pigeons. Give them a balanced diet with enough protein, vitamins, minerals and fats. Don’t forget to give them fresh water and clean their loft regularly.

Pairing cocks and hens

Pairing the cocks and hens is a crucial moment in the breeding. You want them to form a good bond and accept each other as partners. There are different ways to pair, but a commonly used method is the following:

Put the cocks and hens separately in separate lofts or aviaries, so that they can see and hear each other, but not touch.

Let them get used to each other’s presence for a few days and observe their behavior. You can see if they are interested in each other by paying attention to their posture, sounds and looks.

Choose a quiet day to start pairing. Make sure you have enough time to guide the process and intervene if necessary.

First bring one cock to the loft of the hen that you have chosen for him. Let him look around and get acquainted with the hen. Pay attention to how they react to each other. If they tolerate or even approach each other, you can leave them together. If they are aggressive or fearful, take the cock away and try again later or with another hen.

Repeat this process with the other cocks and hens, until you have formed all the pairs. Give them enough rest and privacy afterwards to strengthen their bond.

How to breed healthy young pigeons?

If everything goes well, the pairs will start building a nest after a few days. They will use the nesting material that you have put in their loft, such as straw, hay, twigs or peat. Make sure that the nest is clean, dry and comfortable for the pigeons.

After about ten days, the hen will lay her first egg. Usually a second egg follows two days later. The incubation period lasts about 18 days, during which the cock and the hen alternate sitting on the eggs. It is important that you do not disturb or move the eggs, as this can lead to stress or damage.

When the eggs hatch, you will see that the young pigeons are bald and helpless. They need a lot of care and attention from their parents, who feed them with a special milk that they produce in their crop. After about a week they will start getting feathers and after about three weeks they will be ready to fly out.

Ensure that the young pigeons receive enough food and water from their parents. You can also supplement their diet with a special mix for young pigeons, which you can place in a separate bowl in their loft.

Put a ring on the leg of the young pigeons to identify and register them. This is mandatory if you want to participate in competitions or exhibitions with your pigeons.

Gradually introduce the young pigeons to their environment and to you. You can occasionally pick them up and pet them to make them tame and build trust in you. You can also teach them to come to you when called or whistled at.

Encourage the young pigeons to practice flying. Initially, you can place them in a small enclosure or cage where they can stretch their wings. Then, you can release them in a larger space, such as your garden or balcony. Ensure they cannot fly away or be attacked by birds of prey or cats.

How do I breed good young pigeons?

If you want your young pigeons to perform well in pigeon racing, you need to do more than just ensure their health and well-being. You also need to consider their genetics, training, and motivation.

Genetics: The genetics of your pigeons largely determine their potential and characteristics. It's wise to choose pigeons descended from proven champions or those that have achieved good results in competitions. You can also observe specific traits indicating quality, such as the shape and color of the eyes, wing length and thickness, chest size and stance, neck length, and flexibility, etc.

Training: Training your pigeons is crucial to improve their condition, endurance, speed, and navigation skills. You should regularly let them fly, both individually and in groups. Taking them to different locations and releasing them there helps them learn to find their way back home. You can also use electronic systems to measure and analyze your pigeons' time and distance.

Motivation: Your pigeons' motivation is as important as their physical abilities. Ensure that your pigeons enjoy flying and are motivated to return home quickly. You can do this by rewarding them with tasty treats, praising them, or cuddling them. You can also use psychological tricks, such as playing with their natural instincts. For example, leaving a female pigeon in her nest while letting her partner fly, so he'll want to return home faster to be with her.


Breeding pigeons is a fascinating and challenging hobby that can be very rewarding when done well. However, it also requires a lot of time, patience, knowledge, and love for your pigeons. I hope this blog has helped you learn more about pigeon breeding and that you've found it useful. I wish you success and joy in your breeding endeavors!

Naam schrijver: Witte, Geschelpte