We can share the latest standings of our competition SUPERSTAR OLD PIGEONS, after the flights of April 27th.

Georges De Keyser from Messelbroek is currently leading these standings with 4 prizes. Georges distinguishes himself as the only enthusiast with 4 prizes, a slight lead and the question is whether Georges can maintain this lead in the coming weeks?

In second place, we have Willy Nolmans from Scherpenheuvel, who has impressed with his season start and has achieved 3 prizes and a second place in the standings. In third place is Vrancken Leon from Scherpenheuvel, who also has 3 prizes. Behind the top 3 are several enthusiasts with 3 prizes, so it will be an exciting competition.

The competition SUPERSTAR OLD PIGEONS is now in full swing and we are looking forward to the coming weeks and wonder who will take the victory in this new competition? Stay up to date with all updates and follow the competition SUPERSTAR OLD PIGEONS on our website.

Naam schrijver: Buelens, Geert