Semi-Finals PigeonLeague 2024 For Youngsters

These enthusiasts who will compete for a place in the final are: Vancauwenbergh-Verhaert, Beken Geert, Berghmans Leo, and Verheyen Louis. These enthusiasts are about to participate in the final on August 24th. On Saturday, August 10th, they will compete in two head-to-head matches for a spot in the final.

The draw has determined that the semi-finals will be as follows:

  • Vancauwenbergh-Verhaert vs. Berghmans Leo
  • Beken Geert vs. Verheyen Louis

For the semi-finals, Vancauwenbergh-Verhaert and Verheyen Louis will participate in this competition with the national flight from Bourges. Berghmans Leo and Beken Geert will participate with the flight from Momignies. On Saturday evening, we will know the finalists who will compete for the victory on August 24th.

Good luck to everyone!

Naam schrijver: Buelens, Geert