In recent weeks and months, the media have published several articles about pigeon thefts across Belgium. The Royal Belgian Pigeon Fanciers Federation (KBDB) warns its members to be vigilant and report suspicious activities to the police. There is even speculation that an organized gang is active in Belgium, stealing pigeons from various enthusiasts on order. These stolen pigeons are then used for breeding, as they have little value without a pedigree and proof of ownership. It is remarkable that the thieves manage to take the best pigeons from the lofts of various enthusiasts.
Recently, thieves attempted to break into the lofts of veterinarian Vincent Schroeder, who won the national victory on the flight from Barcelona last summer. However, the break-in was disrupted when the alarm went off, causing the thieves to flee empty-handed. The similarity of the images of the burglars at Tom Van Gaver and Vincent Schroeder suggests that it is the same thieves.
The KBDB urges that the plague of break-ins at various pigeon fanciers be given higher priority by the public prosecutor's office, so that this plague can be stopped and the thieves can be caught. It is time for this gang to be stopped. With the current images, the times of the break-ins or attempted break-ins, and the use of ANPR cameras, it should be possible to catch these thieves. However, everything will depend on the willingness of the public prosecutor's office to take action and catch this gang. In the meantime, the KBDB can only call for vigilance and report suspicious situations to the police.
Naam schrijver: Buelens, Geert