Date and Location Announced for KBDB National Days

The date and location for the KBDB National Days 2025 have been announced. The KBDB National Days will take place in Blankenberge on November 14 and 15, 2025. After several years of being held inland, the KBDB National Days are returning to the Belgian coast. This time, not in Ostend as in the past, but in Blankenberge!

Return to the Coast

Choosing Blankenberge offers the perfect opportunity to combine pigeon racing with a refreshing day at the sea. By returning to the Belgian coast, there is hope that the event will attract more visitors, allowing them to spend a weekend at the Belgian coast and attend the national days.

Save the Date

Mark the date in your calendar now: November 14 and 15, 2025, for the KBDB National Days!

Naam schrijver: Buelens, Geert